Maybe you want more depth and insight into female sexuality and/or working with the yoni egg
Maybe you want more depth and insight into female sexuality and/or working with the yoni egg. Below you will find an overview of a number of books that I recommend reading.
To support the practice and for further information, I recommend the following books:
The Sensual Woman – Saida Désilets
Sexual secrets of women – Mantak Chia & Rachel Carlton Abrams (very technical/ masculine approach, I would not recommend connecting with your feminine essence, but valuable if you are not (yet) familiar with your own sexuality.
The miracle of the feminine sexuality – Maitreyi D.Piontek The author is a bit judgmental, if you can get over this, it is a very valuable book.
You can order these books at
Furthermore, the books by Diana Richardson valuable to read (especially as a woman), to better understand and learn to recognize female sexuality and essence within yourself. In her books, the yoni egg does not appear very specifically. In Tantric Orgasm for Women, you will find a negligible amount of information about this, but the book itself is very valuable for getting a powerful picture of how you could deal with yourself and your sexuality.