Yoni Yoga
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Massage stick - Chevron Amethyst



PLEASE NOTE: This stick is less suitable for intimate use. It is very suitable for external use, and for use as a healing stick and accupressure. Chrevon amethyst naturally has more cracks and openings than regular amethyst, which are quite extreme in these sticks.

This is a relatively small massage stick. I find these sticks very useful for acupressure, for example in the abdomen or externally around the vagina. Internally, due to its small dimensions and accessible shape, this stick is useful for practicing dilation in vaginismus, or for working with the energy and presence of a certain type of stone.

Amethyst is seen as a powerful healer, which works strongly on your intuition, your highest spiritual power (7th chakra), it provides loving warmth during meditation. It is believed that she helps our hidden talents emerge by opening our crown and third eye, making her valuable for people who want to develop their intuition and spiritual skills.

The stone is attributed a soothing and purifying effect. It is said to contribute to relaxation of the nervous system, and is therefore often used for tension complaints such as stress, headache, migraine and insomnia. It can be nice to sleep with this stone (as a cuddle stone, or in your vagina). It is believed that it helps to clear the mind and therefore provides insight into behavior and choices. Insight helps to recognize and leave bad habits behind. In the past, amethyst was used against drunkenness, from which it gets its name (a-methyl = anti-alcohol). Furthermore, it would harmonize the endocrine system and digestion, which could be valuable in case of nutrition-related complaints (such as estrogen (soy)) that have a negative effect on female hormones.

About Chevron Amethyst
The appearance of Chevon amethyst is really different from the regular amethyst that I sell. The clear hexagonal structure of the crystal is emphasized by different colors ranging from white to dark purple. The number of iron inclusions (orange/brown) is also somewhat higher in the stones that I sell.

The white parts are basically clear quartz. While amethyst is said to support relaxation, quartz works more on adding clean new energy. The combination is said to gently guide the process of increasing consciousness.

Color and appearance of Chevon Amethyst
Chevon amethyst consists of shades between dark purple and white, in the typical amethyst structure. The stone is not transparent and may contain a relatively large number of cracks and cracks.

Amethyst in the yoni is particularly suitable for meditating on the sexual energy that is released when you work with the egg. This can be valuable to explore for yourself what your sexuality means and how you can transform this energy into higher and healing states of consciousness.

About the stone type
Amethyst belongs to the macrocrystalline quartz family and contains manganese, which gives it its purple color. The more of this mineral, the darker purple, and the stronger the effect is said to be. In sunlight (solar heat) this coloration fades to yellowish (citrine is amethyst that has faded to yellow).

Energetic Cleansing of Amethyst
Amethyst is a type of quartz and naturally has a clean energy that absorbs few negative energies. If you still want to clean, there are the following options: water cleaning in running water. an energetic cleansing in the earth outside or inside (with a houseplant), an air cleansing by wind outside, or by fanning it with a feather, for example, or a fire cleansing with the smoke of sage or palo santo.

Energetic charging of Amethyst
With sunlight (male) or moonlight (female), but be careful with sunlight. To prevent discoloration, you can cover the stone in the sun with a thin (cotton) cloth.

Warning, be careful with direct sunlight.
In sunlight (solar heat), the color fades to yellowish. Therefore, avoid exposure to a lot of sun.